Benzene & Its Derivatives

(The class of compounds, which contains benzene or substituted derivative of benzene)


There is a class of hydrocarbons, that is characterized by a high degree of unsaturation and unusual stability. The most important and common member of this class is benzene (C6H6). The formula is represented in several ways:


Expanded structural formula with condensed line angle formula.

This representation is not as common in chemistry references, but is often found in biological & biochemistry.


Monosubstituted Benzene

When one of the positions on the ring has been substituted with another atom or group of atoms, the compound is a monosubstituted benzene. If two positions are replaced, then it's a disubstituted, & so on. Many of the monosubstituted compounds have their own name and some of the more common ones are listed in the Table below:





Ethylbenzene Styrene


Benzaldehyde Benzoic Acid
Benzamide Anisole Bromobenzene Methylbenzoate


Disubstituted Benzenes

When two of the positions on the ring has been substituted with another atom or group of atoms, the compound is a disubstituted benzene. There is a separate nomenclature to describe the relative positions. Using toluene as the example, the ortho orientation is the 1,2 relationship;  the meta is 1,3 and the para is 1,4. Note that there are two ortho and meta positions, but only one para.



Where one group imparts a special name, name the compound as a derivative of that molecule:

Toluene is the parent name Aniline is the parent name Benzoic acid is the parent name Benzaldehyde is the parent name
2-Bromotoluene 3-Chloroaniline 3-Nitrobenzoic acid 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde
o-Bromotoluene m-Chloroaniline m-Nitrobenzoic acid o-Nitrobenzaldehyde

If  neither group imparts a special name, locate the groups & alphabetize.


1-Bromo-2-ethylbenzene 1-Bromo-2-nitrobenzene 1-Bromo-4-nitrobenzene
o-Bromoethylbenzene o-Bromonitrobenzene p-Bromonitrobenzene

Polysubstituted Benzenes

If one group imparts a special name, name the molecule as a derivative of that compound and if no group imparts a special name, list them in alphabetical order, giving them the lowest set of numbers

Toluene is the parent name Aniline is the parent name No special name
2-Bromo-4-chlorotoluene 3-Chloro-2-nitroaniline 1-Bromo-2,4-dinitrobenzene


EXERCISE: Write the IUPAC name for each of the following structures.


Structure Name Structure Name
1 m-Dinitrobenzene 11 2-Ethyl-4-nitrophenol
2 2-Bromo-4-nitrobenzoic acid 12 m-Bromonitrobenzene
3 m-Chloroaniline 13 3-Chloro-2-nitroaniline
4 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 14 1,4-Benzenediol or Hydroquinone
5 m-Dichlorobenzene 15 m-Chlorotoluene
6 o-Nitroaniline 16 m-Chloro-methyl-Benzoate
7 m-Bromonitrobenzene 17 N,N-Dimethylaniline
8 m-Nitrophenol 18 pentachlorophenol
9 p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) 19 o-Nitroacetamide
10 m-Bromoacetophenone 20 o-Nitroanisole



email questions & comments to: Dr. JA Colapret