Spectroscopy Problems & Workbook
This section contains a series of NMR spectra for various organic "unknowns." Click on a link, and you will see the formula and 1H NMR spectrum for that compound on page 1. The answer is on page 2, with the assignments of the chemical shifts. Try to solve the unknown before checking page 2. You will need a Table of Spectroscopic data for the chemical shifts.
Index of Unknowns a listing of the compounds used above.
Spectroscopy Workbook
Most organic unknown problems will be presented with two or more spectra. The workbook (link below) contains 50 unknown problems. Each compound has the mass spectrum; IR spectra; 1H NMR and the 13C NMR. The formula is given on the mass spec page. Follow the instructions in the introduction for a strategy to propose the structure; the answers are in the back of the book.
Email questions & comments to: Dr. John Colapret